Peace Lily plant rates inclusion on any list of ten best house plants. Peace Lily is a great plant for indoor use, both at home or in the office and does well under natural lighting or artificial lighting. Peace Lily plant requires just a little more attention than some plants but overall is an easy care houseplant.
The Peace Lily plant can be anywhere from 12 inches tall to over 5 feet tall, depending on the variety. It has an upright, clumping growth and, in the right environment, will produce white flowers or spathes throughout much of the year.
Peace Lily, or Spathiphyllum, is one of the most common houseplants. They are often given as flowering gift plants as they are one of the few indoor plants that will continue to bloom, even under the light conditions available in the home. The Peace Lily plant is often included as part of a dish garden, planted along with other plants. It is also a favorite plant to give as a gift to honor the memory of a loved one and is just a popular houseplant to give as a gift for any reason.
Peace Lily houseplant questions? I would be happy to answer any houseplant questions as I can. Free of charge, no sign-ups required!
Peace Lily house plant questions or problems? You can send a houseplant question but before you do, please finish reading this page and other house plant care information on watering your indoor house plants, how to help keep your houseplant's root system healthy, lighting for your houseplants, and basic houseplant care. These are most important for your house plant's health and this is some of the information I will refer you to if you send an email.
Working in the interior landscape industry, I get a lot of questions from customers about their personal houseplants. It is nice helping them keep their indoor house plants growing and healthy. That is why I started this website, to help others learn how to care for their indoor plants and flowers. So please read on!
Over the years, I have had many animals and plants in the same house and have not had too many problems. I always make my best effort to keep houseplants out of the reach of pets. That can be difficult, especially with cats, as they seem to be able to get just about anywhere they please! Being an animal lover, as many people are, I thought it would be helpful to add a link for those with questions about pets and houseplants, as I have received a few emails with questions on the subject. Do not allow pets to eat your indoor houseplants or your outdoor plants. Questions about plants and pet safety?
This is a link to the ASPCA, Animal Poison Control, Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants list.
Peace Lily plant should be watered thoroughly and then allowed to dry down about one-quarter of the soil depth, spring through summer. Do not allow the soil of your Peace Lily plant to dry completely. It will wilt dramatically if allowed to do so.
You can allow your Peace Lily to dry out a little more during the fall and winter months. Please see the sections on watering your indoor houseplants and flowers and lighting for your plants and flowers for important care information.
Place Peace Lily plant in the brightest, indirect light you have available. It should not be positioned in hot, direct sunlight for extended periods of time as your Peace Lily plant will most likely fade and scorch. Some morning sun would be great and provide bright light through the rest of the day.
The more light you can provide the Peace Lily the more likely it is to continue flowering. You can keep a Peace Lily in lower light but it will require less frequent watering. It will also be unlikely to flower much, if it flowers at all.
To help keep your Peace Lily flowering, keep it a bit pot bound. Removing older foliage and flowers as they begin to fade is also beneficial. Occasionally allowing it to dry out almost completely is going to help keep the root system and the plant healthy. A healthy plant is going to produce more new growth, including flowers.
An occasional application of water soluble plant food will also aid in flower production. Use sparingly as it is easy to damage a plant, especially a potted plant, with too much fertilizer. Never apply fertilizer to a dry plant, always water first then feed. Use less than recommended amounts.
Remove flowers as they begin to fade, brown or spot. The older leaves of the Peace Lily plant tend to yellow and get black or brown tips over time, so I make it a habit to remove a few of these every month.
Removing older growth on most plants will help promote new growth and will help keep your plant pretty, green and gorgeous. Keep the wide leaves clean and dust free by wiping them gently with a dry cloth.
Removing the pollen producing spike in the center of the flower may help prolong flowering. It will also eliminate the messy pollen that would otherwise fall. This is one of the few flowers that makes me sneeze and I am not allergic to anything else. So if you have allergic reactions, you should cut this part of the flower out before it begins to release pollen.
Like any other plant, the Peace Lily can have insect problems. Fungus gnats, mealybugs, mites, scale, thrips, aphids and white fly can all be problems for your Peace Lily plant. A mild solution of water and dish soap to wash off the pests should be effective. You can even put your plant in the shower and wash it off, just keep the water at room temperature. It is a good idea to repeat this once a week for three to four weeks.
It is a good idea to quarantine any new additions to your indoor house plant family for a few weeks just to be sure there are not any insects that were not noticed at first. Wash down your new indoor house plant with a mixture of water and mild dish detergent. I like to add a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil or Orange essential oil to my house plant cleaning solution.
Apply to top and lower leaf and stem surfaces of your house plants, being careful not to saturate the soil. You can clean by hand or use a spray bottle to apply your house plant cleaning solution. I use a sponge moistened with my cleaning solution to gently wipe the top and lower leaf surfaces. Cleaning of your house plants should be a regular part of your house plant care.
Never apply anything to the foliage of your plant while it is in the sun or when the soil is dry. Water first and move to a shady location.
A bonsai tree or plant for indoors or outdoors makes a great gift for any gardener. Treat that special person, or yourself, to a beautiful bonsai. May earn commission. Bonsai Boy of New York.
Pomegranate trees, avacado plants, guava, and more. Find fruit and citrus trees for your growing zone. Grow in ground or in containers. May earn commission on sales. Browse trees and plants.
Questions about your indoor house plants or plant care problems? You can send a house plant question, free of charge, no sign ups, registration or log in required!
Before you send a houseplant care question, please be sure to read this information on watering your indoor house plants, how to help keep your your indoor house plants root system healthy and lighting for your indoor house plants and flowers. These are most important for the health of your house plants and this is some of the information I will refer you to if you send an indoor house plant or flower care question.
You can post comments, find answers to plant care questions, or share some of your own plant wisdom on our plant care Facebook Page, Twitter page or visit my plant care blog. You can also find plant pictures, gardening ideas, and more at our plant and flower Pinterest page.
Thanks for visiting and come back soon as houseplant care information, pictures and more are being added all of the time. I hope that your indoor tropical house plants and all of your plants and flowers are happy, green and growing because that is why I started this indoor house plant and flower care website,
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