How to Care for Pachira Money Tree
House Plant Flower Care
How to care for your Pachira plant, also called Money Tree house plant. The Money Tree is a recent newcomer to the interior landscape industry in the U.S. I believe the Money Tree plant, the common name for the Pachira, first started being used widely in the interior landscape industry just a few years ago. Since then, the Money Tree has become quite popular and many people bring their own Money Tree plants to the office to adorn their desks and cubicles.

How to Care for Pachira Money Tree
House Plant Flower Care
I have cared for many Pachira "Money Tree" plants on commercial interior landscape accounts and have found the Money Tree to be an easy care plant. While you can keep a Money Tree in low to bright light situations, I would recommend placing your Pachira Money Tree plant as near to a large window as you can. It is wise to avoid direct sun and bright, indirect light is best. The best looking Pachira Money Tree plants under my care were always fairly close to a window and often had additional light from the fluorescent office lighting, too.
If you want to keep your Money Tree looking full and healthy, I would advise against putting it in low light. Doing so will eventually result in a weak plant. No direct sun needed for the Money Tree but definitely place your plant in bright light, whether that is natural or artificial light, or a combination of both.
Now widely used in interior landscaping, the Money Tree also makes a great house plant. The Pachira "Money Tree" is usually sold with a braided trunk, as more than one plant are braided together to make a single plant with a braided trunk. You should be able to find a Pachira, or Money Tree plant, at many of your local stores that sell indoor plants and flowers.
Pachira Money Tree Care Question?
Do you have a Money Tree house plant care question? I would be happy to answer any house plant questions as I can. Free of charge, no sign-ups required!
Money Tree care questions or problems? You can send a house plant question but before you do, please finish reading this page and other general houseplant care information on watering your indoor house plants, how to help keep your house plant's root system healthy, lighting for your house plants, and basic houseplant care. These are most important for your house plant's health and this is some of the information I will refer you to if you send an email.
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⚘ How This Website Started ⚘
Hi Plant and Flower People!
I started this website in 2012 while helping my younger brother through a fight with terminal cancer. Between shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry, doctor/hospital visits, and other tasks to help him, I taught myself HTML/CSS and other skills used in creating a website. My brother had a very successful stock photography website himself and his advice to me was to make a website about something you know.
I had left a job in the interior landscape industry in 2012 (I have worked in the interior landscape industry since 1986) to go across the country to help him out. So that became the subject of this website, indoor house plant and flower care.
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If you need some help with the general care of your indoor plants and flowers, read about basic houseplant care. You can also email houseplant care questions or requests for help identifying your mysterious indoor plant!
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I get a lot of questions from people about their personal houseplants and how to keep their own indoor houseplants growing and healthy. That is why I started this website, to help others learn how to care for their house plants and flowers. So please read on for more about the Pachira Money Tree and it's care!
Pachira Money Tree Care
How To Water
Watering Pachira Money Tree - Pachira Money Tree should be allowed to dry completely if kept in a low light location. If placed in bright light, allow potting mix to dry down about one half the depth of the pot, soil mass, spring through summer. Reduce water in the fall and winter. Please see section on watering your houseplants and lighting for your house plants for more information on the two most important parts of house plant care. The water your plant needs is very relative to the available light and to the size and health of your Pachira Money Tree.
Pachira Money Tree Care
For a healthy house plant that stays full, you need to keep your Money Tree growing. Light is the limiting factor in plant growth. Placing your Pachira Money Tree in bright, indirect light is best for good plant growth. Some morning sun will not hurt it but do avoid hot, direct sun, for the most part. A location near a large window or a shaded spot in a sunroom would be ideal.
Pachira Money Tree Care
Other Care Tips
Your Pachira Money Tree should be checked once a week. Check the soil for moisture and water only if needed. Using a moisture meter made for house plants can help you better decide if your Pachira Money Tree needs watering.
Turn your Pachira Money Tree each time you check for water needs. Turning the plant half a turn each week will keep the plant growing evenly. Remove any leaves or stems that are yellow, brown, or any parts that have died. Wipe the leaves with a clean, dry cloth to remove any dust that has accumulated.
Indoor House Plants and Care
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During spring and summer you can feed your Pachira Money Tree with an all-purpose, water soluble house plant food. Use a water soluble plant food that you add to the water in your watering bucket. Using once a month should be enough. More is not better with plant fertilizer as over use can damage the roots of your house plant. That damage will eventually show up on the foliage and flowers of your house plant.
The Pachira Money Tree is not especially prone to insect problems but any plant can have insect problems. Mites and mealy bugs would be the most likely problems but keep an eye out for anything that is not normal plant tissue. Plants can have aphids, mealy bugs, mites, scale, and more. Watch for any problems and address immediately if you find any type of insect.
It is best to quarantine any new additions to your houseplant family for a few weeks just to be sure there are not any insects that were not noticed at first. Wash down your new house plant with a mixture of water and mild dish detergent. I like to add a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil or Orange essential oil to my house plant cleaning solution.
Apply to top and lower leaf and stem surfaces of your house plants, being careful not to saturate the soil. You can clean by hand or use a spray bottle to apply your houseplant cleaning solution. I use a sponge moistened with my cleaning solution to gently wipe the top and lower leaf surfaces. Cleaning of your houseplants should be a regular part of your house plant care. Never apply anything to the foliage of your plant while it is in the sun or when the soil is dry. Water first and move to a shady location.
I hope this houseplant care information has been helpful in the care of your Pachira Money Tree and that all of your flowers and plants are healthy and growing. More plant and flower pictures, care, and contact information below...