ZZ Plant – Zamioculcas zamifolia
The ZZ Plant has become a popular plant for use in the interior landscape. It is also becoming a popular house plant and many people are using the ZZ Plant to add some green to their desktops, offices, and cubicles. The ZZ Plant has thick, glossy, green leaves and is an easy care indoor house plant.

The ZZ Plant has a clumping growth form, the stems originating from rhizomes under the soil. These rhizomes store water making it easier for the ZZ Plant to survive a mild drought. So, it is best to water the ZZ when the soil has become some what dry.
This plant has a number of common names, its botanical name is Zamioculcas zamifolia. It is more often called the ZZ Plant, other common names being Zanzibar Gem, Eternity Palm, and Emerald Gem. It is a tropical, perennial plant native to eastern Africa. The flowers of the ZZ Plant are whitish-yellow spadix that grow from the base of the plant. Flowers occur during summer and autumn.
I have cared for many ZZ Plants and those that do the best have always been located fairly close to a good source of bright, natural light. No direct sun required and they can be maintained under bright artificial light but the plant will most likely become thin and weak over time. Read more about ZZ Plant watering and care…