Hi Plant and Flower People! I started this website in 2012 after leaving my job to help my younger brother through a fight with terminal cancer. Between shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry, doctor/hospital visits, and other tasks to help him, I taught myself HTML/CSS and other skills used in creating a website. My brother had a very successful stock photography website himself. His advice to me was to make a website about something you know.
I began working in the interior landscape industry in 1986 and, with the exception of a few years, taking care of indoor, tropical plants and flowers has been my full time job. So, it would be honest to say that I have had a great deal of hands-on experience taking care of thousands, if not tens of thousands, of houseplants and flowers in almost any environment you can imagine. I have been a plant care technician, warehouse manager, operations manager, while often doing sales and installations. So, that is how this website began, with something I know…

It has gone through numerous changes over the years, just like most things. It is a web site intended to help the average, everyday person learn how to keep their houseplants alive and growing, which can sometimes be a challenge. If you are already an expert at growing orchids or ferns, you don’t need my help. If you are just someone that really likes to have some houseplants around but seem to have problems keeping them alive, I can give you some how-to advice that can help you out.
Anyway, I hope you find something of use to you as you learn the ins and outs of growing potted plants in your home. And I wish you good luck with all of your plants. I offer any I help I can through my contact form, without requiring anything of you, no registrations, user names, or passwords to remember. Please let me know if I can be of any help.
As a note, it does cost money for hosting service, domain fees, etc. to keep websites running. That is why I have third party ads/Amazon products and other affiliate links on webpages. Please use them if they are helpful to you as I earn commissions/ad revenue through them as they help offset costs for hosting, domain name, etc. I am not paid by someone else to contribute to this site, it is all my own creation because I love doing it. Please also consider supporting this website with a donation, if you can. Any help is appreciated. Hope you find some helpful information here. Thanks for visiting, Plant People!
Indoor House Plants Care
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